
East Winds District Logo

United Methodist News

Event Submission

We want to know about events you are hosting and get the word out to the rest of the district! Please use this form for submission of any event you would like publicized by East Winds District. We do ask you give us a minimum of 3 weeks to get the event added to our calendar and newsletter.  

Prayer Requests

The East Winds prayer team would like to pray for you. Please fill out this form and it will be submitted to our prayer team confidentially.

Welcome to the East Winds District of the United Methodist Church!

Central/Eastern Lower Peninsula

East Winds encompasses 79 United Methodist churches. It is one of seven districts of the Michigan Conference. 

Margie Crawford
[email protected]
517.347.4030 ext. 4220

Executive Assistant:
Jodi Fuller
[email protected] 
517.347.4030 ext. 4221
or 810.396.1362

Linda Squires
[email protected]
517-347-4030 (Ext. 4228)

Administrative Assistant & Connectional Liaison:
Eva Jankowske
[email protected] 
517.347.4030 ext. 4225
Office Hours Mondays & Thursdays or by Appointment

Coordinator of Applied Mission
Carol Blair Bouse
[email protected]

District Treasurer Office days:
Tuesdays and Thursdays

The Treasurer Receives

EWD Ministry Shares Payments
EWD Loan Payments
 Grant & Loan Requests/ Disbursements
Flint Water Recovery

Make checks payable & mailed to:
East Winds District

c/o Linda Squires
119 S. Leroy Street
Fenton, MI 48430

 Asbury CDC
1653 Davison Rd., Flint, MI 48506

Contact Info

P.O. Box 322
North Branch, MI 48461

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East Winds District