EWD Connectional Grants & Loans
3:1 Challenge Grants: The Team will grant $1 for every $3 of new money raised by the applicant within an agreed amount of time, following grant approval
3:1 Technology Grant Funds are to be used toward equipment, but are not limited to: sound boards, video, projection equipment, digital cameras, key boards etc. Competitive bids are recommended. Attempts should be made to seek out 3 competitive bids. Funds are to be used as seed money for starting new programs. Personal presentations may be made to the Team at any regular meeting.
Barrier Free Grant: Funds are to be used for any project that will make a United Methodist Church facility more accessible to the physically challenged. Maximum amount of the grant is $500. Personal presentations are not required.
Extraordinary Special Needs Grant: The District Superintendent and the Chair of the Finance, together, have the authority to approve the use of this discretionary money. This is money to be used for severe unexpected emergencies.
Connectional Program Grants
Applications for program grants will be accepted once a year at the April meeting (Due by April 1).
Special Program Grant: The event must provide an open invitation to all churches, clergy and laity in the District. Personal presentations shall be made to the Team at the April meeting.
Continuing Program Grant Funds: to be used to support local churches ongoing ministry for community outreach. Applicants are encouraged to seek additional support from other denominations for ecumenical programs. A presentation will be made including information on how the money was used last year and plans for the current year. Maximum support limited to 5 years.
District Youth Grant: The purpose of the grant is to provide financial assistance for groups or individuals participating in a youth project. Personal presentations shall be made to the Team at April meeting. ·
Vital Church Initiative Grant: 50/50 matching grant for Phase 1 & 2, the Vital Church Initiative (VCI) is a process of renewal for growing healthy, vital, fruitful, missional congregations in decline. For more information contact the conference web site. Required to provide for grant. 1) Grant application to Team 2) VCI application 3) VCI billing 4) Personal representation at any regular meeting.
Church Development Grant Funds: to be used to assist churches with development. Examples for the use of these funds include but are not limited to: Resources/Leadership for a Church Visionary Process, Stewardship Campaign Financing, Architectural Fees for building expansion. Local funding must at least match request of grant. The funds are to be used for building and grounds projects, excluding debt reduction. There will only be a limited number of grants because of budget restrictions. Competitive bids are recommended. Attempts should be made to seek out 3 competitive bids. Personal presentations shall be made to the Team at April meeting.
Loan Information
The District Finance Team has money that is available to be loaned to United Methodist Churches. Our funds are limited and are intended to help churches with capital improvements or to be a bridge to a bank loan. No loans are for longer than 7.5 years, so that we can recycle that money. We set our interest rate in line with the Michigan Area Loan Fund and will make adjustments accordingly.
Please be aware that if the project exceeds 25% of the annual budget or exceeds 10% of the total square footage of the church the local church must contact the District Superintendent and the District Board of Church Location and Building prior to application.
Send ALL Applications to:
East Winds District: Attn: Linda Squires, 119 S. Leroy Street, Fenton MI 48430
Below are links for more information
EWD Grant & Loan Brochure
EWD Connectional Grant
EWD Grant Application
EWD Loan application