Author: Jankowske
Church Leadership Updates Needed

Please be sure to make your local church leadership changes in Brick River, the Michigan Conference official database. Both district and conference staff use Brick River to email important information to your local church leaders. Need a tutorial how to update Here is the link to the tutorial. Questions about updating your local church dashboard… Continue Reading Church Leadership Updates Needed

In this second half of a two-part article, Glenn Wagner offers advice to congregations welcoming new pastors and outlines practical wisdom to clergy transitioning into a new ministry setting. GLENN M. WAGNER Michigan Conference Communications Pastors in our Michigan United Methodist connectional system have been moving to new appointments since clergy were called circuit riders… Continue Reading PASTORAL TRANSITIONS: PART 2, WELCOME

In this first half of a two-part article, Glenn Wagner shares ideas from his four decades as a United Methodist pastor to help clergy and congregations better say goodbye and welcome during seasons of pastoral transition. GLENN M. WAGNER Michigan Conference Communications Pastoral transitions are a regular occurrence in the lives of United Methodist pastors… Continue Reading PASTORAL TRANSITIONS: PART 1, GOODBYE
Lay Leadership Resources

Here is the link to the Michigan Conference Laity Resources Page. The Leadership Tool Box has a variety of laity resources to equip local church lay leaders including videos, learning opportunities, website resources, small group studies and more. Lay Leadership Tool Box
Children’s Ministry Tool Box

Here is a link to the Michigan Conference site for “Children’s Ministry” Resources. This is a great resource for ideas and materials for starting or updating your own children’s ministry. Children’s Ministry Tool Box