There is something I find innately peaceful as well as exciting about starting a new book in a series I am reading. This feeling is the same with new beginnings and the changes in the seasons of life. The continuation of a story, new challenges, new adventures, new characters, and new emotional reactions. As we move forward as a new expanded District, with a new District Supervisor, and a fairly new Executive Assistant, we are working through the feelings that come with change, learning about each other, and focusing on the future with support on many levels for one another and the communities within our district, while creating a new chapter in the life of the East Winds District.
As the Executive Assistant for the District, I get the privilege of having the introductory blog for the East Winds Staff and Committees. For those who I have not met or spoke to previously, I welcome you to our first newsletter. In addition to being the East Winds Executive Assistant, I also am the Immigration Specialist for the Michigan Conference, a position I have held since November of 2022. Before coming to the district in February, I spent just shy of four years at as the Executive Assistant for Congregational Vibrancy for the Michigan Conference. Prior to working for Conference, I spent over a decade working in the legal world as a law firm office administrator and paralegal where I handled primarily trusts, estates, and immigration cases.
I grew up attending Bancroft UMC, I still consider my home church, and where I am a member, though I have attended multiple other services virtually the last few years. I live in Perry with my husband, Chad, our two children, Claire and Joshua, a betta fish names Spike, and three cats- Garfield, Tinkerbell, and Pepper. I am not entirely sure I know the meaning of free time anymore as I am also a Girl Scout Leader, this next year with girls from 5th to 7th grade, the Perry/Morrice Girl Scout Service Unit Manager and Product Manager, as well as our kids are both active dancers with Infinity Dance Company and Chad, apart from his fulltime job, is also a firefighter for our local fire department as well as an elected official on Perry City Council. When I do have down time, I enjoy reading, often several books at a time, genealogy, sewing/ craft projects, and gardening.

Five bonus questions:
Favorite bible verse: I have four verses that have been on my desk for years, but for today I will go with the bible verse currently on my phone popsocket: Proverbs 31:25- She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Favorite Candy/Snack: I prefer snacks to large meals, so this is difficult for me. My kids will tell you my go-to is to fill bento boxes with finger foods or snack food and we always manage to have Girl Scout cookies and Fall Product on hand as well as an assortment of other snack style foods. However, my absolute favorite candies are Starburst Jellybeans or Snickers.
Favorite Drink: Cream Soda or Peppermint Tea.
Top three movies: in no particular order- first: West Wing. It may not qualify as it was a tv series, but I have watched the entire series on DVD multiple times now. Second: The Notebook. I did read the book prior to watching the movie, but I can watch this movie over and over without getting sick of it. Third: Polar Express. I still have my love of trains from attending Durand schools and Railroad Days, but this is also one of those movies I can probably quote in my sleep at this point because my kids request and watch it year-round, along with reading the book year-round.
One fun fact: I am a lifetime member of Girl Scouts, where I earned both my Silver Award and Gold Award. I became a leader so my daughter could have some of the same growth and experiences I had. I have stayed their leader for going on eight years now, despite challenges, because the girls become part of our troop family where I get to watch and experience the new activities and the growth in all of them, even through adversity. Though like in a church family some of the girls have left for other activities, adventures, and seasons in their lives, I still cheer for them and miss getting to see them going on our adventures.