District News

Meet the Board of Church Location and Building Chair

By Bob Wyatt

The Board of Location & Building is charged by our discipline to review local church plans to buy or sell property, buy, lease or sell buildings or remodel a building when the cost of remodeling exceeds 25% of the value of the building.  The board also is required to review new construction and remodeling plans for energy efficiency and equal access for people with disabilities.  The board reviews the reasons and benefits to sell buildings or property.  The board also is charged with reviewing the need for a building, addition or remodeling and plans for defraying the costs.  The board supports our District Superintendent and is involved when a church contemplates closing.

The board also works with churches to review the benefit of selling no longer needed surplus property and parsonages.  A church being served by a pastor owning their own home may have avoidable expenses maintaining a parsonage. The local church reviews the benefits to their ministry of selling no longer needed property which is reviewed by the board. 

Bob is a licensed professional engineer with work experience in Civil Engineering and building maintenance.  He has served on his church's Board of Trustees, Staff Pastor Parish and Finance Committees.  He serves on the Board of Directors of Asbury CDC, East Winds District's EngageMI charity, and on the Board of Directors of our Michigan Conference Camps.  

Favorite Bible Verse   John 13:34-35   

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Favorite candy/snack      Hersey's chocolate and ginger cookies

Favorite Drink                  Apple cider

Top 3 Favorite Movies     Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Air Force One

One fun fact about yourself   I enjoy sailing and spending time with my 2 grandsons.


A helpful link: Trustees Toolbox

Meet the Coordinator of Applied Mission

Coordinator of Applied Mission

I’m Rev. Carol Blair Bouse, I currently serve as the Coordinator of Applied Mission here in the East Winds District. I also serve the pastor at Millington United Methodist Church; I am an Elder in the Michigan Annual Conference having been ordained in 1995 as a Deacon and 1997 as an Elder (back when we had a two-step ordination process). I have served churches from Owendale in the now expanded East Winds district down to Dearborn Mt. Olivet, which closed some years ago. My home church is Fairgrove UMC, right here in the East Winds District. I have been married to Allen for almost 24 years and have two boys, Jacob is 20 and Andrew, who is days from being 16. We live in an unused parsonage in Flushing due to my husband’s mobility issues. We also have a very rambunctious 2 ½ year old golden retriever named Daphne.

Having been in ministry for close to 30 years it is amazing to see all the ways we continue to grow and change. The role that I play in the district is unique, you might see me do any or all of the following: offer pastoral care to a pastor who is in need; creating programs for pastors in the wake of the disaffiliation process to process feelings and help move forward; mentor and coach new DSAs and part-time Licensed Local Pastors; preside over Church/Charge conferences; administer Local Church Assessments; be the certified Simplified Accountable Structure coach for any churches in our district, if desired (extra cost); arranging district wide day or overnight mission trips; connect with each of our district Engage projects – serving as a board member if asked and possible; help to create district missional focus; connect with the Emergency Response Team when needed and other things as needed.

I love the diversity of the work that I do, some days the task list is long, other days it is not. I enjoy working with the diverse people of our East Winds district. I continue to serve the local church as well in Millington. My free time is taken up with helping my kids. Andrew (16) is very active in the Flint School of Performing Arts including the Flint Youth Orchestra, a string quartet, while also being a junior at Flushing HS in the Marching Band, orchestra, and the student assistant for the elementary orchestras. To say I’m a music mom is an understatement. When I’m not working or helping my kids I love to do jigsaw puzzles and engage with music. One of the bonus questions everyone is answering is “what is your favorite Bible verse?” For me I often connect it back to music I have sung. I was a vocal performance major, many moons ago, so music connected to scripture resonates deep within my soul. I was thinking about Craig Courntey’s Be Not Afraid, it is based on Isaiah 43:1-4. It was sung at my deacon ordination service in 1995 and I have sung it many times since while singing in the conference choir. The idea of being called by name, knowing God is with me through all the trials of ministry has helped me through countless times.  

Some fun facts about me…. I love chocolate, I love to find chocolate stores when I travel. Because I love chocolate so much, you will not be surprised to know that my favorite drink is a really good quality cup of hot chocolate. I’m not much of a movie watch, many because I’m not good at sitting still, but for the past 20 years most of my watching has been Disney cartoons. So I must admit I do really love me some Disney Toy Story! A fun fact about myself is that I am a trained Intentional Interim Ministry Specialist within the United Methodist Church. Which means I am trained to help churches that have been through a trauma, had a long-term pastor who has left, or just need to make a transition. It was an interesting training course to take, it was filled with lots of family-systems theory work.

East Winds District Lay Leaders

In the East Winds District, we are lucky to be served by several co-lay leaders. Our current District Lay Leaders are Bonnie Potter, who will be stepping down from the role in the next few weeks, Cynthia Rossman, and Dayne Walling, who has just recently stepped into the roll.


Getting to Know Bonnie Potter:

I began serving as Lay Leader for the Crossroads District (now East Winds District) in February of 2012.  Over these past eleven years, I have worked with five District Superintendents:  Rev. Dr. Andrew Allie, Rev. Dr. Eugene Blair, Rev. Dr. Tara Sutton, Rev. John Hice, Rev. Dr. Margie Crawford and also, two-co-lay leaders:  Mike Schlusler and Cyndy Rossman.  God has richly blessed me in my relationships with each of these fine people.  All have different gifts and graces, and each love God and we have developed some great friendships. 

I believe the role of a lay leader is to be supportive and encouraging, finding out each person’s strengths and also weaknesses and being there to help with whatever needs arise.  I was able to help organize district conferences and events, as that is one of my gifts.  It’s important to get to know the DS on a personal level, learning about their family, and vision for the district. 

While we have lived through some difficult times, which include Covid and disaffiliations, I believe that God has us each in this time and place for a reason.  I continue be a strong supporter of the laity and also pray for the East Winds District of the United Methodist Church, remembering its mission:  Equipping churches to serve Christ through quality communication, collaboration, and training. 

Five Questions: 

  1. One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
  2. Some of my favorite snacks are baked goods, including carrot cake and cinnamon rolls. 😊
  3. I like to drink water and milk. Also marguerita-on-the-rocks-with-no-salt on occasion.
  4. I love worshiping my Lord and God through music. While I find meaning, celebration, and joy in so many songs, I love “Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone.”  It’s really hard to single out a favorite book/movie, but I have read and also watched The Shack many times and gain new insights each time.
  5. My grandson, son, daughter-in-law and I recently went to Zehnder’s Splash Village and rode the Four Person Family Raft Ride on which we “twisted and turned down 6 stories on the thrilling Tantrum Twist slide.” I screamed all the way down—and loved it!


Getting to Know Cynthia Rossman:

Lots of changes have taken place in the East Winds District. We are a much larger district in our geographic size, which means communication within our Mission Zones is more important than ever to stay connected with one another. As a district lay leader I am working to encourage laity to participate, to be creative, to share ideas, and to work together. To be in mission not only at their home church, but to reach out and connect with other churches within their mission zone and within the community.

I am looking forward to working with our new District Superintendent Rev. Margie Crawford to help her achieve the vision she has for our district.

Answers to five questions:

My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6.

My favorite sweet treat is a German Chocolate Brownie and popcorn for snack.

My favorite drink is coffee.

Movie/TV shows anything Star Trek!

One fun fact: I met Gene Roddenberry (the creator of Star Trek) at a “Head Start” convention at Cobo Hall, in the 1980’s and a got his autograph.



Getting to know Dayne Walling:

Hello! I’m Dayne Walling in Flint where I currently serve as the lay leader at Court Street UMC. Court Street has been our spiritual home for nearly forty years. Carrie and I were married in Court Street’s sanctuary even though we lived in DC at the time. Our church family has been a model of love and support for us through the challenging years of serving as mayor and all the ups and downs of life. I’ve drawn a great deal of inspiration from this amazing community and I’m motivated to share this spirit of love with those across our wider church and all of our communities. 

Professionally, I started a new job this year with the Insight health network. I lead the government relations work as we expand into Illinois and Iowa. We also have two sons, one just graduated from the University of Michigan, and one on his way to Trone University, so it’s the beginning of a new chapter for us in a lot of ways.

The first Bible I read was The Good News version. It was given to the elementary school aged kids at Grand Blanc UMC, where my family attended when I was a few years younger than I am today! The best part of that Bible was Jesus’s words recorded in Scripture are bright red. I liked to “read” the Bible by only looking at the red. It doesn’t take that long to read the words this way but grasping their meanings is enough to fill a lifetime. From this early age I was fascinated by statements such as the first being last and the focus on finding the lost sheep. 

With all of the tumultuousness in our society, politics, and church, I’ve again been studying and reflecting upon the “red” passages from Mark to try to get some answers directly from Jesus. When Jesus was asked which commandment is the first of all, Jesus answered, as recorded in Mark 12:30-31, “'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. ' The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. ' There is no other commandment greater than these.” Nearly identical words are contained in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. In John 15: 12, Jesus also said, ““This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Jesus did not qualify his response when asked about the greatest commandments, and neither should we. When we give all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all our strength to love, then I don’t see how there is room for hate, or inflicting harm, or exclusion of any kind. For me, at this time, these are my favorite Bible verses.

As for my favorite drink and snack, I have to admit that it’s coffee with whatever is on hand that goes nicely with a mug of dark coffee—cinnamon Belvitas, lightly salted pecans, any kind of chocolate, cherry scone, you get the idea. I do like to mix it up. I’ll enjoy a regular drip brewed coffee one morning, then pull out some fresh cold brewed coffee another day. Through the pandemic I took over part of the kitchen counter with my French press, pour-over, and espresso stuff. One fun fact about me is that I look for local cafes to visit as I’m always on the lookout for new coffee roasters and preparations. 

When I sit down to watch a movie, I’ll go for a Marvel favorite like one of the Thors. When Carrie and I are watching something together for some light entertainment we’ll look through the latest Netflix original rom-coms. I do enjoy traveling vicariously through movies set in places around the world. The setting of a movie isn’t the easiest to search for, so please send me suggestions!

Meet the East Winds dCOM Chair

District Committee on Ordained Ministry (dCOM)

by Jeffery Jaggers, Chairperson

Each district has a District Committee on Ordained Ministry (dCOM). The dCOMs are sub-committees of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. Our responsibilities include interviewing people who have experienced a call to the ministry of Local Pastor, Deacon, Elder or Certified Lay Ministers. We annually meet with candidates for Deacon and Elder as they progress through seminary and then recommend them to meet with the Board of Ordained Ministry. We also meet annually with local pastors to renew their credentials for ministry. The membership of the dCOM includes lay people, Local Pastors, Deacons and Elders.

As the chair of the East Winds District Committee on Ordained Ministry, I get to work with THE BEST dCOM in the North Central Jurisdiction – if not the entire denomination! We take our work seriously because it is holy work, and it is work that shapes not only the candidates and pastors, local church, and the district, but also the kingdom of God. Much of the credit for keeping our dCOM on track and moving forward goes to our Vice-Chair, Rev. Ann Emerson, and our registrars, Rev. Carol Blair-Bouse and Rev. Barbara Benjamin. While the details of our meetings are confidential, I can say that we have very high quality Local Pastors in ministry in our district, and very high quality candidates for ministry coming through the process towards ministry. It is not easy to become a Local Pastor, Elder, Deacon or Certified Lay Minister, and the work that these folks do is nothing less than amazing. If you, or someone you know, are sensing a call from God to some form of ministry, please let your pastor know. She or he will set you on the path toward discerning that call and how God might use you, your gifts and your graces to spread the love, grace and kingdom of God through the United Methodist Church.

God Bless, Jeffery Jaggers

Meet our Finance Team Chair

by Barry Trantham, East Winds District Finance Team Chair

The East Winds Finance Team reviews grant and loan requests from churches in our District.

Loans are limited to $50,000 with terms up to 10 years.

Grants are available following guidelines from the attached brochure.

About Me:

My wife, Denise, and I have been members of Flushing UMC since 1988. We have been blessed with three sons, Matthew, Kyle and Eric and daughters in law Andrea, Jessica and Meghan and five grandchildren.

My “ go to” Bible verse is Matthew 6:25-34.  It always gives me peace during stressful times.

Favorite drink is an Arnold Palmer

Favorite snack is Salted Caramel ice cream.


Top 3 favorite movies: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.  I like all three spaghetti westerns with Clint Eastwood. The original 3 Star Wars movies. The Godfather I and II.

Fun fact: My ancestors were Vikings who settled in Normandy  and later accompanied William the Conqueror in the Norman invasion of England in 1066.

Prayers for Peoples of Israel

As I begin this week’s blog, I ask for your prayers for the peoples of Israel.  I have visited the Holy Land twice.  I am heartbroken as the images I’ve seen over the past few days have forever changed the places I remember. 

At this time, there are tour groups that are unable to return to their homelands as they take shelter throughout Israel, watching as the war unfolds around them. I have heard about one group from the United States that was interviewed early this morning.  I am not sure who may be visiting the Holy Land from other places around the world.  If they are able to speak with reporters from their homeland, I am certain each one is sharing a similar story of shock and fear.

There are also Christians who are caretakers of the holy places that are part of our faith’s history.  Whether they are at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem, they too are at the heart of this conflict.

All people are God’s creation. We are all part of the same family. The suffering that we have witnessed and heard, recounted from both Jewish and Palestinian families, calls all of us to turn to our Lord, praying for a way forward that doesn’t result in more deaths, destruction and devastation. 

I have found some solace with Psalm 46.  May these or other passages in the Bible help each of us know that God is with the peoples who call Israel and Gaza home, as well as everyone around the world who is watching.  God be with you.  And Amen.

Meet the East Winds Executive Assistant

East Winds District Logo

There is something I find innately peaceful as well as exciting about starting a new book in a series I am reading. This feeling is the same with new beginnings and the changes in the seasons of life. The continuation of a story, new challenges, new adventures, new characters, and new emotional reactions. As we move forward as a new expanded District, with a new District Supervisor, and a fairly new Executive Assistant, we are working through the feelings that come with change, learning about each other, and focusing on the future with support on many levels for one another and the communities within our district, while creating a new chapter in the life of the East Winds District.

As the Executive Assistant for the District, I get the privilege of having the introductory blog for the East Winds Staff and Committees. For those who I have not met or spoke to previously, I welcome you to our first newsletter. In addition to being the East Winds Executive Assistant, I also am the Immigration Specialist for the Michigan Conference, a position I have held since November of 2022. Before coming to the district in February, I spent just shy of four years at as the Executive Assistant for Congregational Vibrancy for the Michigan Conference. Prior to working for Conference, I spent over a decade working in the legal world as a law firm office administrator and paralegal where I handled primarily trusts, estates, and immigration cases.

I grew up attending Bancroft UMC, I still consider my home church, and where I am a member, though I have attended multiple other services virtually the last few years. I live in Perry with my husband, Chad, our two children, Claire and Joshua, a betta fish names Spike, and three cats- Garfield, Tinkerbell, and Pepper. I am not entirely sure I know the meaning of free time anymore as I am also a Girl Scout Leader, this next year with girls from 5th to 7th grade, the Perry/Morrice Girl Scout Service Unit Manager and Product Manager, as well as our kids are both active dancers with Infinity Dance Company and Chad, apart from his fulltime job, is also a firefighter for our local fire department as well as an elected official on Perry City Council. When I do have down time, I enjoy reading, often several books at a time, genealogy, sewing/ craft projects, and gardening.

Fuller Family, December 2021

Five bonus questions:

Favorite bible verse: I have four verses that have been on my desk for years, but for today I will go with the bible verse currently on my phone popsocket: Proverbs 31:25- She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Favorite Candy/Snack: I prefer snacks to large meals, so this is difficult for me. My kids will tell you my go-to is to fill bento boxes with finger foods or snack food and we always manage to have Girl Scout cookies and Fall Product on hand as well as an assortment of other snack style foods. However, my absolute favorite candies are Starburst Jellybeans or Snickers.

Favorite Drink: Cream Soda or Peppermint Tea.

Top three movies: in no particular order- first: West Wing. It may not qualify as it was a tv series, but I have watched the entire series on DVD multiple times now.  Second: The Notebook. I did read the book prior to watching the movie, but I can watch this movie over and over without getting sick of it. Third: Polar Express. I still have my love of trains from attending Durand schools and Railroad Days, but this is also one of those movies I can probably quote in my sleep at this point because my kids request and watch it year-round, along with reading the book year-round.

One fun fact: I am a lifetime member of Girl Scouts, where I earned both my Silver Award and Gold Award.  I became a leader so my daughter could have some of the same growth and experiences I had. I have stayed their leader for going on eight years now, despite challenges, because the girls become part of our troop family where I get to watch and experience the new activities and the growth in all of them, even through adversity. Though like in a church family some of the girls have left for other activities, adventures, and seasons in their lives, I still cheer for them and miss getting to see them going on our adventures.

Meet the East Winds Administrative Assistant & Connectional Liaison

My name is Eva Jankowske, I am a single mom of a now teenage young man, named Preston. We live in Columbiaville, Michigan and attend Columbiaville UMC. Preston is the best decision I have ever made, and my greatest accomplishment. He is in competitive gymnastics at Epic Gymnastics in Flint, loves muscle cars and WWII Fighter Planes. I enjoy oil painting and spending time with family and friends.

Most my working career has been in one way or another in the field of secretarial, receptionist or administration. From small family owned businesses, to international corporate offices, and veterinary clinics. I have always enjoyed helping people. When I was younger if someone would have said that the job I would be happiest at would be being a church admin, I would have laughed at them…hysterically. I was not raised in the church and the Bible was not read in my home. So working in a church wasn’t even on the list. In August of 2013 the opportunity became available to interview for an administrative assistant position at North Branch First UMC & Silverwood UMC. That day changed the course of my life, for the better. There are no regrets. This “job” is what I feel the Lord has led me to do and it has become my ministry. This is the job that lets me check all the “feel good” boxes and has led me to feeling fulfilled daily.

In 2015, I became involved with MI-AIM (Michigan Administrators in Ministry), which is a charter organization for Michigan Administrative Assistants of all levels, from the local church offices to the conference offices. My goal as Vice President, is to make sure that every church admin knows we are here for them, with resources for educational, connectional and spiritual support.

In September of 2018 I was hired as the Administrative Assistant for the East Winds District. It has been a pleasure and most rewarding working closely with Cheryl Rentschler and Rev. John Hice these past 4 years. The tools and experiences learned have been priceless and will serve me well as we move forward with our new Executive Administrator, Jodi Fuller and our new District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Margie Crawford. My job title has also been expanded to Administrative Assistant & Connectional Liaison for the East Winds District. In addition to my already established duties, I will be working with our Mission Zones with support for connectional ministries within their communities and other connectional outreaches throughout our district.

Eva & Preston

Five bonus questions:

Favorite bible verse:  There are many that I lean on depending on what I am go through at the time. But these two hang on my board in my office:

Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.” ~ Ecclesiastes 7:9

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Favorite Candy/Snack:  My son helped with this question and he says Heath Bars and Salt & Vinegar Kettle chips  (they are his favorites too). I like wintergreen lifesaver mints, black jellybeans and Orange Slices candy too!

Favorite Drink:   RC Cola, Arnold Palmers and Vernors

Top three movies:  I enjoy many movies, but my top 3 favorites are:  Facing the Giants, Everafter and A Knights Tale. My son said it should be Wall-E.

One fun fact:  A fun fact about me….you may not know that since I was 8 years old I have been involved with horses. Either showing them, training them, our teaching others. I worked and study with a dressage trainer from age 12 to 19. I was sure that this would have been my future career. But as the saying goes, ”The Lord had other plans.”

Looking Glass Community Outreach

Looking Glass Community Outreach (LGCO) is one of five EngageMI Conference based projects located in the East Winds District. Looking Glass is a faith-based nonprofit that serves at-risk families in southern Shiawassee County – Laingsburg, Shaftsburg, Perry, Morrice, Bancroft and Durand.  LGCO is a volunteer based agency with strong ties to various congregations and service groups in Shiawassee County.  Our board has always been composed of diverse people with varying church affiliations. While Looking Glass began as a Church and Community ministry of the General Board of Global Ministries in 2001, that relationship ended due to budget and personnel constraints in 2009. Now all funding must be raised through donations and grants.

A few of our programs include:

  • Book Partners Mentor/Tutor Program: for about ten 2nd graders – two 1-hour sessions per week. This program is currently funded by a grant from the Shiawassee Community Foundation. Student are identified by their teacher as being below grade level in reading. The goal is to work with the student to bring them up to ‘grade level’ by the end of 3rd 
  • Community Garden: LGCO has maintained a community garden in a low-income mobile home neighborhood since 2002.
  • Ramp Build Program: We help coordinate building of ramps for families who need but cannot afford one.
  • Emergency Relief Fund: LGCO is registered with United Way 211 and have developed a network to ensure referrals are maintained Common requests are for short-term housing: an individual or family that is homeless or an individual needing to leave an unsafe situation; help to pay their utility bills; fallen behind on rent or mortgage payment.  Occasionally we assist with car repairs, gas cards, groceries, bus tickets or well repairs. 

Our funding sources include our local churches and service organizations, EngageMI, various donations, fundraisers, as well as grants from foundations and the Federal Government. In the first six months of 2023 we provided 34 weeks of stay at a local motel, assisted 10 clients with their rent or mortgage payment, assisted 4 clients with a utility payment, 1 client received a gas card and 1 client needed assistance to pay for car repairs.  The clients that received a stay at a local motel often times are living in a tent or their car.  Often after they stay in a motel for a week they go back to their tent or car. Yet, in the winter they have had a warm place to be and warm showers for a short period of time. Most clients show great appreciation for that break from the weather. Funding used for these 50 clients totaled $16,305.57. 

When asked what the best thing about LGCO is, the current volunteer director Cathy Provines says “The best part is that LGCO is our ability to offer hope to our clients.  Many times they call us when they are at an extremely low point in their lives - we are able to offer them hope, maybe a fresh start.  And if for some reason we are not able to help them financially we refer them to other groups that will be able to help them.” 

If you are wondering how you or your church could help LGCO? Here are just a few suggestions, please consider the following:

  • Our Community Garden is always in need of work done… if you love to toil in the dirt, we would love the help. We can always put you to work in the garden. Whether it is just you, or you come as a group, we can find a way for you to work in the garden.
  • Do you have a Classic Car, join in the fun and be a part of the annual Classic Car show on the last Saturday in July in Laingsburg every year. Look for more information on LGCO's Facebook page.
  • Remember us financially! Think of us on a Mission Sunday, hold a special offering, pick us as a EngageMI project, any amount will help us in relieving the poverty of our rural communities.
  • Prayers for LGCO and the clients we serve.

If you have questions about LGCO, please call Cathy at 616-737-2412.   

Blue Water Free Store

The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center (BWFS&MC) is a wonderful outreach into the greater Port Huron area. The mission of the Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is “Serving people, offering hope, all for Christ”. Over 8,000 families are registered clients of the Free Store. Every week, at least two days, Monday, and Wednesday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, people from around the area can enter the Free Store and browse the racks that are filled with gentle used clothing for women, men, and children along with household items. Everything in the store is free, donations are accepted but not required. Teams work 3-4 days a week to sort through all the donations, making sure everything is examined for excessive wear or odor, then tagged, and prepared for display at the appropriate season. Between 12-14 people are needed for each shift to run the Free Store. Also onsite is the Blue Water Ministry Center which is an approximately 1000 square foot room with kitchenette which weekly houses 6-7 AA and other Recovery groups. While the Free Store was closed during the worst of the COVID 19 crisis, the Ministry Center remained open for the AA & Recovery groups to meet. The leadership of the BWFS&MC knew how important face to face interaction was to 12 step programs, especially during stressful and difficult times.

The Free Store and Ministry Center is found in Port Huron Township on Lapeer Ave. It is conveniently located across from the bus station. Many of its clients use public transportation, so this has made it very user-friendly. When a new person enters the Free Store, they are asked to fill out an intake card, this allows the Free Store to note how many families they serve. There are now significant barriers to receiving services, you are not required to provide proof of need to shop at the free store.

The BWFS & MC works closely with the other social services in Port Huron such as the Domestic Violence shelter. Because of this arrangement, if someone needs to come after hours and remain anonymous, that can happen; safety is most important. They also work closely with other agencies and area churches if there is a need for furniture or housewares that are beyond their current supply due to fire, domestic violence, or other reason.

Currently the care of the building is overseen by a Board of Trustees. It is an older building, which has a storefront to help extend the idea of a shopping experience, the Board of Trustees has recently worked on updating the heating and air conditioning and continues work to upkeep the building. Volunteers who come, sort donations, and help in the store are always needed along with increased financial contributions are vital to keeping this ministry running.

As you start to think about your EngageMI Ministry projects for 2024 why don’t you consider the Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center. The work it does to impact the community with the love is Christ makes a difference every day.

As you think about where you could take a day mission trip with your youth, young adults, women, men, or mix generations… the Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is a great place to consider, it is less then 2 hours from every point in our district.  Any combination of volunteer options for your group could be worked out! You can contact the Free Store through The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center Facebook.

East Winds District