Tag: EW news 1.24.24
East Winds District Lenten Mission Project

February 14th thru March 31st Lets find a way through this time of Lent to show our appreciation for the heroic jobs that they do day in and day out. (Firefighters, Paramedics, Law Enforcement (state & local), EMT’s, 911 & Police Dispatchers, Air Med Flight Crews, Chaplains) Ways you can do this: Honor Breakfast, Honor… Continue Reading East Winds District Lenten Mission Project
Readers to Leaders Invitation

As members of Christ’s family we are called to support our sisters and brothers in need, whether they are living in our community or are living in other nations. At the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference, Rev. Jon Reynolds and Lisa Batten, Associate Director of Connectional Ministries, invited each faith community in the Conference to help… Continue Reading Readers to Leaders Invitation