Michigan Administrators in Ministry

MI-AIM is Michigan Assistants in Ministry. A group for All Methodist Administrative Assistants to support each other in our ministry.  MI-AIM is affiliated with Professional Administrators of United Methodist Connectional Structure (PAUMCS) related to GCFA (2012 ¶807.19).  


We want to connect with ALL Admins to help support them in their work, this includes fellowship, personal and professional development, and spiritual enrichment.  This can be by answering questions, finding resources, policies and procedures or just by listening. Connection is the biggest part of what we provide.  Just like the pastors have connection with other pastors, we want that for Admins.


MI-AIM holds a monthly Virtual Lunch and Learn via Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 12:00pm. Our topics vary from month to month, from Canva, Reiki Meditation, Appointment changes, Statistical Reports, or to just a time to ask questions.


We offer an annual Educational Conference/Retreat in the fall. This conference is an opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones, experience encouraging speakers, learn new methods and tools to improve our jobs, and to gain spiritual growth and relaxation.  This year’s conference will be held September 29th, 30th and October 1st; at the St. Frances Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan. The theme for this year is Wisdom & Discernment. Our special guest speakers are: Bishop David Bard for opening worship and communion, Deb Potts will be leading us on a journey of Thinking and Listening like Jesus. There will also be time for reflection and rest, time for prayer and devotion, and not forgetting – a time to laugh and connect. Register Online HERE


We encourage each church to send their Admin, as a way to show your support and appreciation for the work they do for your pastors, congregations and community. To offer them this opportunity to be rejuvenated and to make connections with others in their ministry.


You may contact us by:

Facebook:  MI-Assistants in Ministry, AIM. 

Email: [email protected]

East Winds District